Monday, 17 May 2021

UX UI / Experience Quicklook


UX / UI / Service Designer  

Experience - Quick Look 


Education | UI Design | 2021 | RMIT Online 

Education | UX / UI Design - Transform | 2021 | Academy Xi 

Education | Cert IV Workplace Training and Assessment | 2004 | RMIT 

Education | Masters in Animation and Interactive Media | 2004 | RMIT 

Education | BA Fine Arts with Honours | 1997 | ANU - |Canberra School of Art and Design | 


Experience | Small business: education/animation/illustration |2004- |Freelance 

Experience | Lecturer / Design for Interactive Media |2006-12 |RMIT 

Experience | Lecturer / Screen Production – Degree course |2006-12 |Holmesglen 

Experience | Lecturer / Imaging |2005-8 |RMIT 

Experience | Lecturer / Advanced Animation / Major Project |2006-8 |RMIT 

Experience | Lecturer / 2D Animation |2007-08 |Vic University 

UX UI design: MIRO, Figma, Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop 

Experience | research / interviews / personas/ userflows / wireframes/ interaction designs/ User tests / iteration/ UI design |2020 - 21 |Academy Xi 

Experience | Userflows/wireframes/interaction design/ GELs |2020 - 21 | RMIT Online 

Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Flash 

Experience | interaction design/animated interactives |2003-12 RMIT 

Experience | Freelance – ongoing work with Adobe CS |2003-> 

Experience quicklook 

1. UX / UI  /Service design skills

I have UX and UI experience conducting contextual enquiries, userflows, user journeys, personas and utilising other UX design tools and methodologies for the following projects: a Spotify prototype, a service design for a healthcare provider, a strategy design for a not-for-profit organisation, and a UI design prototype for a dog walking app. 

2. UX capabilities including UI wire framing, UX mock-ups, design mock-ups, story boarding. 

My recent UX UI course at Academy Xi gave me new/contemporary /best practice UX problem solving techniques, frameworks and methodologies. I’ve been a comics artist my whole life, and an animator for the last 17 years, thus storyboarding is something I love and I find it to be a useful way to explore a User journey and User experience. I find storyboards a great way to communicate a User journey to stakeholders. 

I use MIRO, Figma and Adobe XD to work on mock-ups and prototypes, have always been a paper/pen/sketchbook user, so I do a lot of thinking and designing on paper; writing, and drawing wireframes in my sketch book throughout the design process to map out or explore ideas. 

3. Ability to confidently communicate, both visually and verbally. 

Working professionally for several years as a lecturer at two Universities, RMIT and Victoria University, and years of running other short courses and workshops (animation) has given me extensive experience with public speaking and allowed for me to refine my skills in this area.

4. UX Design experience 

An example of my UX design experience with a healthcare process: 

The client, "Health provider", offer an exercise program for osteoarthritic pain sufferers. 

Working with a UX team my role covered research, ideation, design and included such tasks as survey and questionnaire writing and implementing, one to one interviewing, collating key findings, affinity mapping, storyboarding, user testing and presentation of the final solution to the client. 

Our initial research identified the exercise program itself addressed user needs. We hypothesised the delivery of the service had problems. Our research identified multiple pain points for the program participants. 

To identify the specifics of these problems my work involved survey and questionnaire writing and implementing, interviewing (looking at behavioural patterns, lifestyle, pain management experience, feelings), identifying and collating key findings, and using findings in Affinity Mapping. 

Looking at the key findings my team; defined user needs, pain points. We created personas and ideated solutions appropriate to the program participants, current and future, who were for the most part over 60 and having to manage their pain. 

5. Ability to engage with stakeholders 

Much of my career has involved working across teams with interconnected needs; students, other lecturers, course coordinators and external guest lecturers (for example). Working in remote communities often involved working with a School or an art centre or a council – and more often all of those organisations together, with the student and communities’ needs as the priority or focus. 

My UX design work involved working with my team, my UX mentor, a client/s, their product or service users and also at times other people who came into a contextual analysis study. I’m comfortable to communicate with stakeholders at all levels and anyone within the scope of the project or workspace. 

6. A collaborative and confident working style and ability to work well in a dynamic fast-paced team 

My work experience more recently has been in UX design, working in small teams. My example of the "Health provider" project was a 6 week project and the pace was fast. I’m confident and value working in a team. Previously as a sessional lecturer, often an independent role, I enjoyed being a part of the team working on the delivery and design of the courses taught. I worked together with my colleagues for students’ best interests. I’m equally happy working independently. 

I use both Mac and PC - Love Mac …comfortable in Microsoft, quick and dedicated to learn anything needed for workplace projects. 

Kirrily Schell 

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